【Children's rapid growth supplement Made by a Pharmacist Mom for 】New "Pharma Nobiru Gold" for Overseas, Ship from japan brand⛩️ /【药剂师妈妈精致的儿童猛长冲剂】跨境新“法玛诺貝尔金” 日本品牌厂家直发⛩️
**★ 日本最新! 妈妈药剂师处方。 儿童全能速长营养功能食品★**
💯 由日本药剂师妈妈开发的“PHARMA NOBIRU GOLD(新法玛诺貝尔)”【营养功能冲剂】是支持成长的终极选择。
💕 每袋含有业界领先的6000 IU维生素D,促进骨骼生长所必需的钙的吸收。
⛹️🏌️ 它是想要长高的青少年运动员以及担心孩子营养的父母的强大盟友 ❣️
✈️ 官方免费邮包🌸
**★The latest in Japan! Formulated by a mommy pharmacist. All-purpose nutritional functional food for children★**
💯 Developed by a japanese pharmacist mom, "New Pharma Nobiru Gold" [Nutritional Function Food] is the ultimate choice to support growth.
💕 It contains an industry-leading 6000 IU of Vitamin D per bag, promoting the absorption of calcium, which is essential for bone growth.
🇨🇭 In addition to high-purity pure Vitamin D from Switzerland, it includes 3500 mg of arginine, 800 mg of citrulline, 2700 mg of citric acid, and a total of 36 growth nutrients in a golden balance.
⛹️🏌️ It is a strong ally for junior athletes who want to grow bigger and for parents who are worried about their children's nutrition ❣️
✈️ free shipping.